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SIP (School Improvement Plan)

Every school in Minneapolis Public Schools is required to develop, implement, and monitor a school improvement plan (SIP). The following plan sets the goals that our school community is working to achieve and identifies the specific strategies or activities that will help us reach those goals together. If you have questions or comments about our improvement plan, please reach out using our main telephone number listed below. 

Our School SIP at a glance:

We have four SIP goals that our school is working to achieve: 

  1. Reading: By Spring 2024, HIA's overall reading proficiency for students in grades 2-5 will increase from 15% of students meeting/exceeding benchmark to 23% of students meeting/exceeding benchmark as measured by the FAST aReading.
  2. Math: By Spring 2024, the overall math proficiency for students in grades 2-5 will increase from 10% of students meeting/exceeding benchmark to 18% of students meeting/exceeding benchmark as measured by the FAST aMath.
  3. By June 2024, the percentage of suspensions will decrease from 7% to 5.4% as measured by HIA's behavior data from Tableau.
  4. By the end of the 23-24 school year, at least 50% of staff will be proficient in the teaching/collaborative model and cross-department/grade PLC cycles as measured by MPS' SOEI rubric, domain 4Bii (collaborates with colleagues).
  5. We will build relationships, communication, and trust by asking families for input about their student's strengths and needs on an ongoing basis. By Spring 2024, our school's climate index will increase from a 1 rating (only True for Some) to a 2 rating (True for Most) on relationships, communication, and trust between school and caregivers as measured by the MPS's Climate index rubric. Our 3-year goal is to move to a 3 (This statement is true for everyone in our school.)

How we will reach our SIP goals:

  1.  Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

    Description: MTSS is a comprehensive, evidence-based prevention framework. Within MTSS, multiple levels of support are provided to support the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral development of all students. Through it, all students are given access to inclusive and equitable educational practices that minimize opportunity gaps. 

  2. Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

    Description: "Social and emotional learning is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions" (CASEL, 2016). Social Emotional Learning strategies promote the development of schools that are safe, welcoming, and inclusive learning communities for all stakeholders. 

  3. School Culture and Climate (CRE)
    Culturally Relevant Education is a conceptual framework that recognizes the importance of including students' cultural backgrounds, interests, and lived experiences in all aspects of teaching and learning within the classroom and across the school (Ladson-Billings, 1994, 2009; Milner, 2017). Culturally relevant education is viewed as critical in improving student engagement and achievement, and college readiness and success for all youth, particularly for youth of Color. Specifically, CRE is a comprehensive teaching approach that empowers all students intellectually, socially, emotionally, and politically by using cultural referents to impact knowledge, skills, and attitudes (Ladson-Billings, 1994, 2009). School climate refers to the school's effects on students, including teaching practices; diversity; and the relationships among administrators, teachers, parents, and students. School culture refers to the way teachers and other staff members work together and the set of beliefs, values, and assumptions they share. A positive school climate and school culture promote students' ability to learn (ASCD, 2019)