Family Involvement Plan
Hmong International Academy: 2024-25 Family Involvement Plan
We need the help of our families to reach our school goals for student success and achievement. Below is our plan for how we'll meaningfully engage families in equitable and accessible ways during the 2024-25 school year. There are specific goals we'll work to achieve and ways we plan to achieve each goal listed below.
All families feel welcome in our school and have equal access to opportunities to be involved in their students' education
• Host the following community-building and cultural events:
* Hmong Parent Meetings
* Somali Parent Meetings
* Hmong New Year Celebration
* Math and Literacy Fun Night
* National African American Family Involvement Day
* Parent Meetings
* Somali Family Involvement Day
* Hmong American Family Involvement Day
* HIA Annual Family Picnic
• Notify all families of how to get involved in the events listed on this plan, how to access school staff, and how they can volunteer, through:
* Updates to school calendar on our website
* School newsletter
* Flyers sent home with students
* Phone calls
* Updates to social media
• Accommodate all families by providing the following:
* Transportation where needed
* Translated documents
All families are informed of the steps our school is taking to improve student outcomes and achieve equity.
• Host our annual State of the Schools (Title I Night) which will:
* Inform families of the requirements and benefits of being a Title I School
* Inform families of their right to be involved in Title I programming
* Inform families about state standards, our school's curriculum, and the assessments their students will take this year
* Give families an overview of the goals and strategies in our School Improvement Plan (SIP)
• Post a family friendly version of our School Improvement Plan (SIP) on our website
• Send a letter home letting families know if we are designated by the state for support and improvement
Families will play an important role in developing our School Improvement and Family Improvement plans, and will provide valued input on how we spend our resources.
• Get family input on our school improvement plan in January
• Get family input on our family involvement plan in May
• Get family input on how we use our resources to support student achievement in March
• Host regular Site Council meetings on The third Thursday of the following Months: October, January, February, April
All school staff members, families, and students understand the important role they each play in making sure students achieve success at our school.
• Create a School-Parent-Student Compact, which is an agreement on the role each person will play to make sure the student is successful
• Get family input on our School-Parent-Student Compact in December
• Share our School-Parent-Student Compact with families by:
* Using it at Parent-Teacher conferences (required for elementary grade levels)
* Sharing it with families on our website
All families understand how to support their students' academic achievement.
• Help families understand our school curriculum, state standards, assessments their students take, and how we measure student achievement and success at:
* Open House/Curriculum Night on Open House/Curriculum Night
* math and Literacy Fun on math and Literacy Fun
• Also, help families understand our school curriculum, state standards, assessments their students take, and how we measure student achievement and success by:
* Class newsletters and teacher communication to parents
• Host the following academically-focused family events:
* Math and Literacy Night
All staff will be trained on how to effectively partner with families.
• Provide professional development to our staff on the following topics:
* Adult and Student SEL
To download a PDF version of our school FIP, click the following link: